1) - Return to Orange County [11.09.2016]
2) - Defender of Teen Love [25.09.2016]
3) - The War of the Workplace [02.10.2016]
4) - The Weekend Warrior [16.10.2016]
5) - A Taste of Zephyria [23.10.2016]
6) - A Tale of Two Zorns [06.11.2016]
7) - The Battle of Thanksgiving [13.11.2016]
8) - Return of the Drinking Buddy [04.12.2016]
9) - The War on Grafelnik [11.12.2016]
10) - Radioactive Ex-Girlfriend [08.01.2017]
11) - The Battle of Self-Acceptance [22.01.2017]
12) - Episode 12 [12.02.2017]
13) - Episode 13 [19.02.2017]