Расписанией выхода серий

Дата выхода серий "Спасите Грейс"
3 сезон
1) - We're Already Here [16.06.2009]
2) - She's a Lump [23.06.2009]
3) - Watch Siggybaby Burn [30.06.2009]
4) - What Would You Do? [07.07.2009]
5) - Moooooooo [14.07.2009]
6) - Am I Going to Lose Her? [21.07.2009]
7) - That Was No First Kiss [28.07.2009]
8) - Popcorn [04.08.2009]
9) - Looks Like a Lesbian Attack to Me [11.08.2009]
10) - Am I Going to Die Today? [18.08.2009]
11) - Let's Talk [29.03.2010]
12) - Hear The Birds [05.04.2010]
13) - You Can't Save Them All, Grace [12.04.2010]
14) - I Killed Kristin [24.05.2010]
15) - So Help You God [31.05.2010]
16) - Loose Men in Tight Jeans [07.06.2010]
17) - You Think I'm Gonna Eat My Gun? [14.06.2010]
18) - I Need You To Call Earl [21.06.2010]
19) - I'm Gonna Need a Big Night Light [21.06.2010]
2 сезон
1) - Have a Seat Earl [14.07.2008]
2) - A Survivor Lives Here [21.07.2008]
3) - A Little Hometown Love [28.07.2008]
4) - It's a Fierce, White-Hot, Mighty Love [04.08.2008]
5) - Do You Love Him? [11.08.2008]
6) - Are You an Indian Princess? [18.08.2008]
7) - You Are My Partner [25.08.2008]
8) - The Heart of a Cop [02.03.2009]
9) - Do You Believe in Second Chances? [09.03.2009]
10) - Take Me Somewhere Earl [16.03.2009]
11) - The Live Ones [23.03.2009]
12) - But There's Clay [30.03.2009]
13) - So What's The Purpose of a Platypus? [06.04.2009]
14) - I Believe in Angels [13.04.2009]
1 сезон
1) - Pilot [23.07.2007]
2) - Bring It On, Earl [30.07.2007]
3) - Bless Me Father, For I Have Sinned [06.08.2007]
4) - Keep Your Damn Wings Off My Nephew [13.08.2007]
5) - Would You Want Me to Tell You? [20.08.2007]
6) - And You Wonder Why I Lie [27.08.2007]
7) - Yeehaw, Geepaw [03.09.2007]
8) - Everything's Got a Shelf Life [10.09.2007]
9) - A Language of Angels [17.09.2007]
10) - It's Better When I Can See You [03.12.2007]
11) - This Is Way Too Normal For You [10.12.2007]
12) - Is There a Scarlet Letter On My Breast ? [17.12.2007]
13) - Taco, Tulips, Duck and Spices [18.12.2007]
* плюс учитываем 1-2 дня на перевод и озвучку серии после официального выхода.
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